our identity
2477 product references.
30 Years of experience in Dispensing.
20 Years of positioning in UK.

Dosis UK is a joint-venture between POLY DISPENSING SYSTEMS ( RG Distribution partner ) and 2KM UK. PDS is a specialist in industrial dispensing equipments and is omnipresent on the French market. 2KM UK is successfully implemented on the British market, for over 20 years now. It specialises in gear pump systems Process Gear Mix that are manufactured in the UK. These two combined complete each other and can dispense all kind of fluids from 1nL per impulse to 1 000kg/min. Dosis UK is therefore an English company that commercializes a wide range of dispensing equipments proven effective. From the pneumatic and volumetric dispensers, robots, valves to all consumables such as syringes, needle tips and so on.
David Burn
Technical Sales
Cablelynx Ltd
Excellent advice and service. New equipment inbound that will improve operatives working days and most importantly improve quality.